GatewaySysInfo Class




RAS Secure Gateway System Information





Type Name Description
UInt32 ActiveRDPSessions Number of active Remote Desktop sessions.
UInt32 ActiveRDPSSLSessions Number of active Remote Desktop SSL sessions.
UInt32 ActiveThreads Number of active threads.
AgentState AgentState Inherited from RASAgentInfo
String AgentVer
String AvailableIPs Local IP list.
String BroadcastUDPSock Broadcast UDP socket.
UInt32 CachedSockets Number of cached sockets.
Boolean CipherPreference Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.
String CipherStr Cipher string.
CipherStrength CipherStrength Cipher strength: 0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High, 3=Custom.
UInt32 ClientConns Number of client connections.
UInt32 ClientSSLConns Number of client SSL connections.
UInt32 CPULoad
String DeviceManagerUDPSock Device manager UDP socket.
UInt32 DeviceMgrTCPConns Number of device manager TCP connections.
UInt32 DeviceMgrTCPSSLConns Number of device manager TCP SSL connections.
UInt32 DiskRead
UInt32 DiskWrite
Boolean Enabled
String FIPSMode FIPS mode: 0=Disabled, 1=FIPS 140-2, 2=FIPS encryption failed, 3=FIPS is not supported.
String GatewaySSLTCPSock RAS Secure Gateway SSL TCP socket.
String GatewayTCPSock RAS Secure Gateway TCP socket.
UInt32 HTTPRedirs Number of HTTP redirections.
UInt32 HTTPSRedirs Number of HTTPS redirections.
String Id Inherited from RASAgentInfo
UInt32 IdleThreads Number of idle threads.
RASLogLevel LogLevel
String MachineId
UInt32 MaxClientConns Number of maximum client connections.
UInt32 MaxClientSSLConns Number of maximum client SSL connections.
UInt32 MaxDeviceMgrTCPConns Number of maximum device manager TCP connections.
UInt32 MaxDeviceMgrTCPSSLConns Number of maximum device manager TCP SSL connections.
UInt32 MaxHTTPRedirs Number of maximum HTTP redirections.
UInt32 MaxHTTPSRedirs Number of maximum HTTPS redirections.
UInt32 MaxRDPSessions Number of maximum Remote Desktop sessions.
UInt32 MaxRDPSSLSessions Number of maximum Remote Desktop SSL sessions.
UInt32 MaxRDPUDPDTLSTunnels Number of maximum RDP UDP DTLS tunnels.
UInt32 MaxRDPUDPTunnels Number of maximum RDP UDP tunnels.
UInt32 MaxWebClientConns Number of maximum Web Client connections.
UInt32 MaxWebClientSSLConns Number of maximum Web Client SSL connections.
UInt32 MaxWyseConns Number of maximum WYSE connections.
UInt32 MaxWyseSSLConns Number of maximum WYSE SSL connections.
UInt32 MemLoad
GatewayMode Mode The RAS Secure Gateway mode: Normal or Forwarding.
String PreferredBroker Preferred Connection Broker.
String RDPTCPSock RDP TCP socket.
String RDPTunnelSSLUDPSock RDP tunnel SSL UDP socket.
String RDPTunnelUDPSock RDP tunnel UDP socket.
UInt32 RDPUDPDTLSTunnels Number of RDP UDP DTLS tunnels.
UInt32 RDPUDPTunnels Number of RDP UDP tunnels.
GatewaySecurityMode SecurityMode RAS Secure Gateway security mode: 0=Allow All Except, 1=Allow Only.
String Server
String ServerMessage Server message.
String ServerOS
RASServerType ServerType Inherited from RASAgentInfo
String ServiceStartTime
UInt32 SiteId Inherited from RASAgentInfo
AcceptedSSLVersion SSLVersion SSL version.
String SystemBootTime
UInt32 TotalConnections Number of total connections.
UInt32 UnhandledExceptions
String UserPortalTCPSock User Portal TCP socket.
UInt32 WebClientConns Number of Web Client connections.
UInt32 WebClientSSLConns Number of Web Client SSL connections.
UInt32 WyseConns Number of WYSE connections.
UInt32 WyseSSLConns Number of WYSE SSL connections.


Type Name Description
Int32 CompareTo (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Boolean Equals (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Int32 GetHashCode () Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Type GetType ()
String ToString ()

References to Commands
